The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has recently published two documents.
Using rainfall forecasts to make releases from dams
This guideline will assist dam owners in setting policies and procedures to utilise rainfall forecasts in making flow release decisions. The guideline considers relevant legislation and regulatory requirements, flood forecasting systems, seasonal target curves, pre-releases and emerging practices for informed decision making that will assist dam owners to consider a broad range of forecasting approaches during the management of floods.
Setback distances near dams
This guidance note is an aid to planning practitioners, developers, dam owners and regulators in ensuring an appropriate setback distance is maintained between a dam and new development or dam construction. The purpose of the setback is to provide an accessible zone from the dam in the event of a dam safety incident or emergency, ongoing maintenance and safety management and space to implement dam safety upgrade works.
Author: Siraj Perera (DELWP)