Updated May 2022

ANCOLD Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) Privacy Policy

A. About this policy

ANCOLD acknowledges its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the National Privacy Amendment Act 2012) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained therein. ANCOLD is taking all reasonable steps to implement practices, procedures and systems to collect, hold and secure personal information in accordance with the APPs. This privacy policy will be updated when practices change. Updates will be publicised on our website and directly to our members.

B. Overview

ANCOLD collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information to carry out those functions or activities as defined in its constitution or as required by legislation e.g., Privacy Act, FOI Act.

C. Collection of your personal information

At all times we seek to only collect that information that we need to effectively undertake our defined functions and activities. The main ways in which we collect personal information about you are:

  1. When you apply for membership and complete the standard membership application
    forms either in hardcopy or electronically via the website
  2. When you register for a conference, seminar, workshop, study tour or other event
  3. If you participate in the work of ANCOLD, on the executive, a sub-committee, working
    group or representative group
  4. If you make a complaint about a privacy breach to us
  5. You send an email to the ANCOLD Secretariat or other office bearer, or contact us via
    other means
  6. Through your use of ANCOLD’s social media (e.g., LinkedIn).


Collection of Sensitive Information

Sometimes we may need to collect sensitive information about you. This may include age, health issues, dietary requirements, disability. This would normally be required either to confirm age (e.g., member of the Young Professionals group) or to ensure suitable arrangements were made for attendance at events.

Indirect Collection

Most personal information would normally be collected directly as provided by you but under some circumstances it may be provided from publicly available sources or from 3rd parties.


We will only collect the minimum information necessary and if requested we will not publicise information about you such as in delegate listings.

D. How we deal with information

Most personal information is held in electronic format either in our website or separate database. Different information is stored for members of ANCOLD.

ANCOLD Members

Personal information is provided by you when applying for membership of ANCOLD. This information would normally just include name, address, contact details and professional qualifications and employment information for the purposes of verifying membership eligibility. Membership details are stored in a WordPress database accessed through the ANCOLD website. Access is restricted with administrator rights. Credit card or bank account details are also obtained to process fee payment, but these records are not retained.

Hardcopy forms are scanned and stored electronically on secured servers.

This information is used to send out renewal reminder notices, the quarterly e-News and other relevant information for members only.

Working Group Members

Name, address and other contact details would be kept for communication purposes.

Delegate Event Registration

Personal information is provided during the registration process for events and would be temporarily stored within a secured conference management software (e.g., EventsAIR) database normally managed by a 3rd party Conference Manager. Such information would be provided by you electronically via on-line registration, which will require you to accept a ‘Data Processing Consent’ for your registration to be processed.

Contact details would also be used to communicate future similar ANCOLD events.

For full details on how personal information is collected, held and used for ANCOLD events, please refer to ANCOLD’s Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) Privacy Policy which can be accessed here.


Social Networking

ANCOLD uses LinkedIn and when you communicate with us through social media, we may collect personal information that you provide.

Analytic Tools

We use a range of tools provided by 3rd parties (e.g., Google Analytics) to collect or view website traffic information. Such sites have their own privacy policies.

Payment Transactions

In such cases we may receive credit card or bank account details from you. These are only used to facilitate transactions in accordance with normal financial processes. Where credit card details are provided for making online purchases, we use a secure 3rd party 3-tier e-commerce gateway.

E. Storage and security

We take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information we hold from
both internal and external threats by:

  • Limiting officers who have access through appropriate security measures
  • Data is stored either on secure servers or websites with regular checks made
  • Checking that all 3rd parties that have access to personal information have appropriate privacy policies and security protection in place.


We destroy personal information in a secure manner when we no longer need it, or we have been requested to delete it. No personal details are provided publicly on the website without specific agreement by the person.

F. Disclosure of information

Common situations where we may disclose information are as follows.

Service Providers

3rd party service providers may have access to personal information (e.g., conference manager, secretariat, website developers etc.). To protect information that we give access to, we ensure agreements in place require them to use the information solely for the purpose

We do not make our contact database information available to 3rd parties nor use it for marketing purposes other than those things related directly to the functions of ANCOLD.

Sensitive Information

We only disclose sensitive information for the purposes for which it was provided or for directly related purposes you would reasonably expect or when you agree to its use.

Disclosure Overseas

Generally, we do not disclose personal information overseas. We may however provide contact details where persons are participating in related entity activities such as those of NZSOLD or ICOLD. This would normally be only at your request or agreement.


We would only provide information in such cases where you had given consent or where the issue is already publicly available and then only in exceptional circumstances.

G. Access to your personal information

Under our Constitution, members have the right to request personal information contained within the member database and such shall be made readily available and provided free. It is provided however such that it is not allowed to be used to contact or send to other persons other than for specific purposes relating to ANCOLD functions.

Under the Privacy Act you have the right to ask for access to personal information that we hold of you and to ask that we correct any such information. You can ask for such by contacting our Secretariat. We will ask for verification of your identity. Such requests are dealt with by the Public Officer.

Members can logon to the website and update their personal details at any time, or alternately send advice via email to [email protected].

H. Quality of Information

To ensure the integrity of personal information we collect we:

  • Record the information in a consistent and logical format
  • Check for duplicate entries and remove them
  • Where notified directly amend data as requested
  • Where notified indirectly (e.g., rejected emails) delete or update details.


Members also have access via the website to update their details directly.

I. Availability of Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is available free of charge on our website or by contacting the Secretariat. Specific privacy statements are also included in registration forms, membership applications etc. and include reference to this full policy.

J. How to make a complaint

If you wish to complain to us about how we have handled your personal information you should do so in writing to the Secretariat. We will respond within 30 days. If you are not satisfied, you can complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

K. How to contact us

You can contact us via the Secretariat as per below details.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 3 6234 7844
Mailing address: c/- Leishman Associates, 227 Collins Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000,

Download the ANCOLD-APP-Privacy-Policy_updated May 2022


System maintenance will be performed on the servers that host the ANCOLD Digital Guidelines, on Saturday, December 21st @ 10:00 PM AEDT which will require the servers to reboot.

Total downtime during that event could be up to 4 hours and will commence sharply at 10 pm AEDT.  During that time end users will not be able to view or access their secured content.