ANCOLD Emerging Professionals State Representatives

The Emerging Professionals Group continues to play an active role in the development of engineers within the dams industry.

We encourage all members to connect with your local emerging professional representative if you have a suggestion for an event in your state or territory (whether you are a young professional or otherwise).

Emerging Professionals Representatives can be contacted via the secretariat.

ANCOLD Emerging Professionals National Convenor


Emerging Professionals State Representative - Australian Capital Territory

GHD Pty. Ltd.

Emerging Professionals State Representative - New South Wales


Emerging Professionals State Representative NT

ATC Williams

Emerging Professionals Representative - Queensland


Emerging Professionals State Representative - Queensland

ATC Williams

Emerging Professionals State Representative - South Australia


Emerging Professionals State Representative - Tasmania

Tasmanian Irrigation

Emerging Professionals State Representative - Western Australia

Water Corporation of WA

Emerging Professionals State Representative - Victoria