Join Now – Organisational Membership

Be recognised as a supporter of ANCOLD’s vision & mission

Public and private organisations with an involvement in dams and water resources are eligible to join as a Member Organisation.

Join now - Become an Organisational Member

Public and private organisations with an involvement in dams and water resources are eligible to join as a Member Organisation. 

A nomination of an organisation for membership of ANCOLD Inc must be (a) made by a Member Organisation of ANCOLD Inc and seconded by a Member Organisation of ANCOLD Inc and must be in writing in the application form and (b) must be lodged with the secretary of ANCOLD Inc.

A list of all current ANCOLD Member Organisations and their nominated voting representatives can be found here in the Members Directory (note: can be Sustaining or Organisational, not Designates in the bottom block titled as such). When you have identified which organisations you think would be prepared to propose and second your application, you need to make contact with their voting representatives to advise them that you have nominated them (as proposer or seconder) and that they will receive a formal document from the secretariat to sign electronically confirming that they in agreement to support the membership application.

To be noted when completing this form;

  • The Applicant – this is the name of the organisation applying
  • The Proposer and Seconder – these need to be current/financial Member Organisations
  • The Authorised Officer on behalf of the Applicant/Proposer/Seconder – these are the nominated voting representatives for the organisation applying/proposing/seconding.

A Member Organisation has the additional right for a representative to vote at the ANCOLD Annual General Meeting.

Any number of employee’s of a Member Organisation can be given access to member benefits by adding them to their membership ‘Team’. (Details provided on application approval.)

To be noted, Clause 13. of the ANCOLD Constitution states “The liability of members and associate members of ANCOLD Inc to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of ANCOLD Inc or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of ANCOLD Inc is limited to the amount, if any, of unpaid membership fees and subscriptions respectively owing by them to ANCOLD Inc.”

Please make yourself familiar with ANCOLD’s Privacy Policy prior to submitting an application.

Organisational Members can nominate for Sustaining Membership on meeting certain criteria. (see criteria at the bottom of this page).

Organisation Details

These details are for the registrant organisation, and on approval will be reflected in the Members Registry.
Organisation Address(Required)
hereby applies to become a corporate member of ANCOLD Inc.
Authorised Officer on behalf of Applicant(Required)


This nominated proposer will be asked to sign an electronic form before your application is approved.
a member of ANCOLD Inc, nominate the Applicant for membership of ANCOLD Inc.


This nominated seconder will be asked to sign an electronic form before your application is approved.
a member of ANCOLD Inc, nominate the Applicant for membership of ANCOLD Inc.

Contact details of the applicant organisation’s nominated Voting Representative

This user should have access to the email you include so they can setup your organisation’s account on the ANCOLD website.

Your administrator's details

The employee whose details are added here will be the contact to manage your organisation’s membership portal. This includes maintaining the list of your employees that require access via the membership and to be the point of contact for membership renewals. Your administrator can also be the Voting Representative, or you can nominate another employee. Note, on submitting this form, this user will be emailed with details of joining the website and once approved will be sent a payment request.

Once submitted, the secretary will present this application at the next monthly Executive Meeting for approval and subsequently issue the invoice for the join fee of AU$773.50*.

Upon payment of the entrance fee, the nominee/applicant becomes a member designate and may enjoy the privileges of membership pending confirmation as a member by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting general of ANCOLD Incorporated (usually late October). After endorsement at the AGM the annual membership fee (currently set at AU$1,547*) will be due on January 1st of each year.

Once submitted to the secretariat, your application will be sent via DocuSign to the Authorised Officer on behalf of Applicant, Proposer and Seconder for signing.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Sustaining Membership is only open to Organisational Members that have been a member of ANCOLD for more than five (5) years and are a large organisation that has had a major involvement in supporting the objectives of ANCOLD. 

For further details on criteria and eligibility please contact the secretariat [email protected].

Please don’t hesitate to contact the secretariat if you have any queries or need help with your application.

ANCOLD Secretariat
227 Collins Street
Phone: +61 3 6234 7844
email: [email protected] 

To make sure you’re aware of how we handle your personal information you should view our Privacy Policy via this link.


System maintenance will be performed on the servers that host the ANCOLD Digital Guidelines, on Saturday, December 21st @ 10:00 PM AEDT which will require the servers to reboot.

Total downtime during that event could be up to 4 hours and will commence sharply at 10 pm AEDT.  During that time end users will not be able to view or access their secured content.