Terms & Conditions

Website Disclaimer

The content of the ANCOLD web site is provided for information purposes only. No warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the web site. ANCOLD does not warrant or represent that the content of the web site will not cause damage, or is free from any computer virus or any other defects or errors. ANCOLD does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided on this web site or incorporated into it by reference. The information on the ANCOLD web site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the web site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.

Hyperlinks are provided to other, related web sites. Information accessed via these hyperlinks may be incorrect, misleading or not verifiable. ANCOLD disclaims all responsibility in respect of information obtained by use of hyperlinks from this ANCOLD web site.

Guidelines Statement of Use and Disclaimer

This document has been issued by ANCOLD Incorporated after preparation by a specialist Working Group of its members, scrutiny by independent reviewers and endorsement by the ANCOLD Executive.  It constitutes one of a suite of inter-related Guidelines that are intended for use in various aspects of design, construction, management and operation of dams. They are not a prescriptive Code of practice, but a basis for experienced practitioners to use in conjunction with other relevant information and techniques, supplemented by their sound professional judgement.

At the time of issue, the processes, techniques and recommendations in this document are considered to represent good professional practice in Australia. From time to time developments in the subject matter are likely to occur, with all Guidelines in the suite, including this document. Consequently, at any given time, there may be amendments contemplated by ANCOLD, and/or known to relevant professionals, but not yet published.

Before making a decision to act on the information or procedures in this document, you should make your own enquiries and seek your own professional advice and/or exercise your own professional skill, experience and judgement as to the appropriate application of the information or methods provided herein to the particular needs, objectives and circumstances of your project. Unless you are already well-versed in the subject matter and its proposed application, you should seek the advice of a competent professional experienced in the relevant areas. Inappropriate or inexpert use of these and other Guidelines may lead to serious consequences, extending as far as to dam failure, damage to property and/or environment, and even to loss of life.

DISCLAIMER: No claim or representation (including as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information or any part of it) is made, nor is any guarantee or warranty given, express or implied, in relation to any of the information or methods in these Guidelines. Your use of these Guidelines is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, ANCOLD Inc. excludes all liability to any and all persons, professional or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from the use of this document.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) controls and End User Agreement

ANCOLD Guidelines in digital format are protected by digital rights management (DRM) via a platform called Vitrium. DRM is the process of protecting digital assets to be securely distributed online. DRM software encrypts digital content and employs a series of settings and controls to control who has access to it. Each time you access a digital guideline there is a record of your usage.

Via this platform ANCOLD have enforced these DRM settings:

  • Device limit –  set to 5
  • Dynamic watermark controls – dual level watermarks can identify the source of any ÁNCOLD Guideline images that are found on the internet.
  • Printing and copy controls – you cannot print or copy the digital guidelines
  • Screen sharing/print controls – if there are attempts made to screen grab/screen share these are logged against the user and it’s at ANCOLD’s discretion as to whether this breaches copyright policy and the user is banned from using the digital format.
  • Offline access controls

All end users are subject to these terms when they sign up for a subscription or, for those end users that are part of an organisation’s Team, when their organisation grants them access as part of their Organisational subscription.

Prices and payment

All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars. All prices include Goods and Services Tax (GST). Unless specified, any delivery charges are additional.

Limitation of Liability

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude ANCOLD online’s liability for personal injury or death caused by its negligence.

ANCOLD will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by us or our employees or agents in circumstances where:

  1. loss or damage was not foreseeable to both parties when the contract was formed;
    2. loss or damage was not caused by any breach on the part of the supplier;
    3. loss or damage relates to business and/or non-consumers.


We warrant that our product will be of satisfactory quality and fit for their general purpose.

Delivery Policy

All goods purchased through the ANCOLD website will be dispatched within 5 working days of receipt of order. Delivery is via Australia Post for domestic and international orders.

Our Refund Policy

Refunds will be made provided the refund is requested within 10 working days of receipt of order and the goods are promptly returned to ANCOLD.

Copyright / Trademarks (TM)

The images and materials found in the Web site are copyrighted or otherwise proprietary and may be not be downloaded and/or reprinted for any reason without prior consent. Permission to reprint or electronically reproduce any document, stills, audio, video footage or any other materials in whole or in part for any reason is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from the respective copyright holder(s).