Dam Safety Emergency Planning (June 2014) – MODULES 1-5 – Full Course

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Dam Safety Emergency Planning (June 2014) – MODULES 1 TO 5 (FULL COURSE)

This short course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of dam safety emergency planning including developing, using, exercising and reviewing dam safety emergency plans.

It will begin by briefly reaffirming why dam safety emergency plans are needed and then provide a high level overview of legislative requirements for each State.

Critical elements of dam safety emergency planning and plans will be presented in detail. This will be followed by guidance on how to develop and document dam safety emergency plans.
The seminar also includes modules on training operators and emergency responders in the use of dam safety emergency plans and exercising them so that everyone is confident that the plan will work in a genuine emergency.

The presenters will use examples from their experience to illustrate all aspects of dam safety emergency planning and there will be opportunities for delegates to ask questions and share their experiences throughout the day.

Includes access to the following videos:

  • Introduction to Dam Safety Emergency Plans – John Tibaldi & Rob Keogh 50:03
  • Legislative Framework – Angus Paton & Peter Allen 27:25
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plan Critical Elements – Part 1 – Roles and Responsibilities – John Tibaldi 21:10
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plan Critical Elements – Part 2 – Emergency Notification, Emergency Incident Triggers and Emergency Incident Actions – John Tibaldi 1:40:38
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plan Critical Elements – Part 3 – Dam Failure Inundation Maps, Dam Maps and Plans, and Special Case Considerations – John Tibaldi 29:37
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plan Development – Angus Paton 26:42
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plan Presentation – Emma Birch 34:56
  • Training People to use Dam Safety Emergency Plans – Emma Birch 19:16
  • Exercising Dam Safety Emergency Plans – Emma Birch 37:18
  • Course Welcome and Opening – Angus Paton 3:40
  • Concluding Remarks, Discussion and Close of Day – Angus Paton 9:40
  • Tokwe-Mukoshi Dam Wall Slippage on Sunday 9 February 2014 (YouTube) 00:54


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