2018 – Dam Safety Management of Junction and Clover Dams: A Risk Based and Observational Approach

Steven O’Brien, Christopher Dann, Timo Mantyvirta

Junction and Clover Dams are central spillway slab-and-buttress dams located in Victoria. Previous safety reviews and assessments of the dams concluded that neither dam met modern dam design standards and remedial works were recommended, including infilling the slab-and-buttress dams with mass concrete to sustain seismic loadings. These conclusions were based largely on the assessed seismic hazard at the site, the results of response spectrum analyses and observed conditions of the dams including alkali-aggregate reaction of the concrete. AECOM used current seismic hazard assessment techniques, conducted concrete investigations and testing, assessed long term surveillance monitoring results and used modern finite element techniques to demonstrate that no upgrade works were required at either dam resulting in a significant saving for AGL.

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