Steve Bratton
Many earthen dams and embankments throughout the world are in need of remediation to address seepage or other issues and ensure structural integrity. Borehole drilling plays a vital role in facilitating implementation of remedial designs, both in the initial information gathering stage and the actual construction of a chosen remedy.
Within the past six to eight years Sonic drilling has become recognized within the geotechnical community as a viable method to meet overall project objectives and address site specific issues for a variety of projects. Key aspects of Sonics include: the ability to efficiently penetrate difficult subsurface conditions, provide a continuous core sample of unmatched quality, and minimize or eliminate risk to the structure from the drilling process. This paper focuses on the application of Sonic in support of a remedial effort at Wolf Creek Dam, including information on the background and overall objectives of the project, a brief explanation of the Sonic method, the scope of services required at the site, and the specific reasons for utilizing Sonic in this case.
Keywords: sonic drilling, grout curtain, Wolf Creek Dam, dam remediation
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.