2004 – Cosseys Dam – Upgrade Solutions That Meet Owner Operator, Environmental and Community Expectations

Neil Jacka, Christopher Dann and Richard Davidson

Rapid increases in pore pressure measured in the embankment in 1987 and 1994 raised concerns
regarding the internal stability and safety of Cosseys Dam. A comprehensive dam safety review
indicated that the dam would not meet modern design standards and a b road range of options to upgrade the dam were evaluated assessing not only the technical design aspects, but also the
construction impacts on the operation and reliability of the water supply network, the environment and the local community. A multi criteria selection matrix was used to assist in selecting the preferred upgrade solution. Extensive consultation was undertaken with the dam owner, dam operator, City
Councils and local community to ensure that the upgrade solution would satisfy the technical
requirements of the project while minimising construction impacts. The project enjoyed a positive
profile throughout the duration of the construction.

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