Gladstone Area Water Board

Gladstone Area Water Board

Voting Representative : Phillip Webber

The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) is a statutory authority that operates Awoonga Dam on the Boyne River, in Central Queensland. From Awoonga Dam water is provided for inter-basin diversion to the Callide Power Stations. GAWB is the sole supplier of raw water to major industrial sites in the Gladstone region. GAWB also supplies treated water direct to major industries and to Gladstone Regional Council for reticulation to the City of Gladstone.


System maintenance will be performed on the servers that host the ANCOLD Digital Guidelines, on Saturday, December 21st @ 10:00 PM AEDT which will require the servers to reboot.

Total downtime during that event could be up to 4 hours and will commence sharply at 10 pm AEDT.  During that time end users will not be able to view or access their secured content.