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Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Voting Representative : Janice Green

The Bureau of Meteorology develops and applies advanced scientific knowledge related to weather, climate, oceans and hydrology to build world-class systems and prediction services to support decision-makers in government, industry and the community. It has built a comprehensive and reliable picture of Australia’s water resources through monitoring, assessing and forecasting products and services. The Bureau’s water information role was established in 2007 to improve visibility of water resources and ensure high-quality nationwide information was available to the public and relevant industries. The Bureau of Meteorology was appointed to lead the programme, to collect, aggregate and analyse water data from more than 170 organisations around the country. Now, a rich portfolio of products and services deliver essential information and forecasts to water managers, policymakers and water-sensitive industries, helping them make informed decisions to manage and use this precious resource wisely. Twitter.com/bom_au Facebook.com/bureauofmeteorology


System maintenance will be performed on the servers that host the ANCOLD Digital Guidelines, on Saturday, December 21st @ 10:00 PM AEDT which will require the servers to reboot.

Total downtime during that event could be up to 4 hours and will commence sharply at 10 pm AEDT.  During that time end users will not be able to view or access their secured content.