Deformation Survey is a simple and widely implemented technique to identify the early signs of dam failure and is regularly undertaken on many dams. Thanks to advances in equipment and more accurate survey records, there is now a better understanding of measurement and movement of embankments and previous records.
However, the “expected” range of transverse deformation and implications for failure modes of dams is not particularly well researched or understood.
This paper collates a case history of transverse deformation for a number of Tasmanian dams and examines the relative behaviour of the embankment dams. From this the “expected behaviour” of an embankment dam can be estimated and related to key influencing factors, such as observed settlements, height and age of the dams, and thereby providing guidance on when transverse deformation is considered unusual for similar dams.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.