For hydropower dam projects, design and construction of the temporary works including cofferdams are very important. Improper selection, design and/or construction of temporary works may cause delay of major construction works and increase construction cost.
The authors worked on the preparation of the Engineering, procurement and construct EPC tender (based on International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) contract-yellow book) for a 20 MW Hydro Power Plant (HPP) project in the Balkans Region. The scheme involved the design and construction of three cofferdams to enable construction of the main dam, intake and powerhouse. The basis for tendering, as a part the contract documents, was the preliminary design of the HPP scheme. The tenderers were allowed to deviate from the solutions presented in the preliminary design as long as the proposed solutions fulfilled the Employer’s Requirements.
As a part of a winning strategy, the preliminary design cofferdams were changed and modified, providing significant saving and facilitating quicker and safer construction. This paper presents the development of the design and challenges faced during construction work.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.
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