M. Tooley, D. D’Angelo, B. Priggen, K. Sih, N. Vitharana, R. Mouveri
As the urban sprawl of residential and commercial businesses expand to meet rising population, consideration must be given to the frequency and intensity of storm events and changes in tidal levels, to mitigate the risk of flooding and damage associated with the failure of hydraulic structures.
This paper outlines the design method undertaken to ensure the ageing structure (founded on timber piles) meets modern dam safety criteria, extends the life of the 8 gates operating mechanisms and provides overall inherent reliability for the whole structure. The design method included updated hydrological assessment of the upstream catchment, geotechnical investigation, liquefaction review, consequence category and AFC assessment, hydraulic assessment and stability analysis.
These assessments are being undertaken to introduce inherent reliability in their operation in particular during king tide or storm water events, or a combination of the both, minimising leakage and breakdowns and ensuring the risks of flooding to low lying residential areas upstream of the structure and major airport are minimised. The Glenelg Gates structure is an integral part of a larger regulating system for the catchment.
The findings of the design upgrade would be useful to dam designers and owners faced with the upgrading of gated structures with flooding risks in residential areas.
Keywords: Gated Glenelg Gates structures, upgrade, dam design guidelines.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.