Bob Wark, Alex Gower, Paul Hurstand Sofia Vargas-Pedroza
ANCOLD has been working towards setting up guidelines for outlet works and has a standing committee that is addressing this issue. Recent papers have addressed the issues of current technical practice. However the authors believe that there is a sufficient body of experience available from recent incidents to provide a valuable tool that the guidelines can use to address the issues that are important. The authors have identified almost 40 incidents with outlet works that have occurred over the last 40 years, many of them within the last 20 years and have tabulated them as part of this paper. These range from the interesting to those that can and have threatened worker safety and life. The paper outlines the most significant of these and summarises the causes and corrective action necessary.
Horror Stories with Outlet Works
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.
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