Shao Kwan Ng
Asset management aims to ensure that assets, such as dams, are sustainable. In order to achieve this, management decisions need to be defensible and the long-term impacts of short-term decisions need to be clearly demonstrated, such that an asset operates and is maintained in an appropriate fashion and in a satisfactory condition. Expert rule systems are becoming widely recognised as powerful and elegant tools suitable for engineering and management decision-making. They are powerful, transparent and flexible tools that mimic how people make decisions, and hence provide a natural way of thinking for decision-making. This paper reviews the current usage of expert systems in asset management, and illustrates the potential of these tools, in conjunction with the available (ANCOLD) guidelines, to assist dam owners in decision-making, such as in condition evaluation and dam hazard assessment applications.
Keywords: Decision-making, expert rule systems.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.