2010 – Mildura Weir Denil Fishway An Innovative Fish Passage Solution for a Unique Site

Steven Slarke, Martin Mallen-Cooper, Andrew Evans, John Prentice

As part of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority ‘Sea to Hume Dam’ program to restore fish passage along the River Murray, an innovative Denil fishway is being retrofitted into Mildura Weir (Lock 11). Due for completion in the latter half of 2010, the fishway will allow the upstream and downstream passage of medium and large sized fish past Mildura Weir, which has a difference in water levels of 3.5 metres.
Constructed on the sloped concrete apron at the left abutment of the Dethridge weir, the Mildura Weir Denil fishway design is innovative in the River Murray. The Denil fishway is essentially separate from the existing weir, and its superstructure can be fully removed from the river during floods. The fishway can also be progressively removed during periods of rising floodwaters, maintaining operation during periods when fish migrate in particularly large numbers. The fishway represents a cost effective design, reflecting the decision to maintain the current weir structure for a further forty years, but still providing passage to a broad range of fish sizes and species. Innovative fish monitoring and carp separation facilities will be provided, shared with the other River Murray fishways. But, unique to the River Murray, viewing windows are provided to allow the public to observe fish negotiating the fishway, and to enable a better understanding of fish movement.

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