JL Tottenham
This paper outlines how Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water (trading as GWMWater) and its consultants managed the upgrading of Bellfield dam’s 43m high, reinforced concrete dry outlet tower and discharge facilities. The upgrading included improvements to operations, the provision of safe person and materials access into the tower and its 1200 mm diameter steel penstock, anchoring the tower with post tensioned cable anchors to resist seismic loads, refurbishing a 1200 mm butterfly valve and penstock corrosion assessments and repair.
Prior to the upgrading, access to all areas was difficult and unsafe to some areas. In particular no provision had been made during the original construction for butterfly valve removal or safe access into vertical sections of the penstock. Overcoming these deficiencies required considerable survey, detailed movement planning and attention to detail.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.
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