A. Crichton, J. Willey, G. Bell and A. Franzmann
Under the Snowy Water Licence and as a result of the Snowy Water Inquiry, Snowy Hydro Limited
(SHL) is required to release environmental flows into the lower Snowy River below Jindabyne Dam at lake levels as low as the minimum operating level (MOL). The construction of new outlet works is necessary to meet this requirement. The other issue driving the project is the limited spillway capacity. A new spillway is required to pass the design flood recommended in the guidelines of the NSW Dam Safety Committee. The design of the outlet works and new spillway has been completed and a contract to construct the works has been let and construction has commenced. This paper summarises the process used to develop the selected design arrangement. It includes discussion on the design of modifications to the existing spillway and the part played by the hydraulic model study in that design and discussion on the auxiliary spillway design and the design of the outlet works to pass a peak flow of 58 m3/s
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.