Bob Wark, Colin Bradbury, Michael Somerford and Michelle Rhodes
The Harvey Dam project is a major component of the Water Corporation’s Stirling-Harvey Redevelopment Scheme, which was developed to provide potable water to Perth. The scheme will deliver 34 GL/annum or about 10% of Perth’s supply. The project timetable was tight. The decision to proceed with the scheme, made in June 1998, required Harvey Dam to be ready to impound water by June 2002.
Construction of the Harvey Dam was complicated by the following:
These and other issues required the development of risk management strategies for the project. The construction risks were allocated within the contract to provide for an equitable sharing of risk between the Contractor and the Principal. The paper describes the development and implementation of the risk management strategies and what lessons have been learnt from the process.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.
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