On 28th August, Peter Hill and Michel Raymond (HARC) presented on the acceptable flood capacity (AFC) of dams. Peter and Michel gave a valuable presentation covering extreme flood estimation and the evaluation & upgrading of flood capacity. They shared knowledge and experience from flood capacity option studies, cautions for consideration and presented some of the emerging issues in relation to AFC such as climate change. This presentation follows on from previous presentations in the life of a dam webinar series and is available to watch on the ANCOLD website. Thankyou to Peter and Michel for their engaging presentations.
If you are interested in presenting a topic of interest as part of the life of a dam webinar series, please contact your relevant YP state rep.
Authors: Joel Eadie & Erin Hughes – QLD YP State Representatives
Peter Hill
HARC – Director and Principal Engineer
Peter has over 30 years of experience in the application of risk analysis techniques to dam safety and flood hydrology. He has worked on more than 100 dams, many in a peer review capacity.
He has co-authored 100 technical papers and is a regular contributor to ANCOLD conferences on dam risk related topics. He was a member of the Working Group for the recent revision of the ANCOLD Guidelines on Consequences Categories for dams and is the Convenor for the ANCOLD Acceptable Flood Capacity Guidelines and member of the Working Group reviewing the ANCOLD guidelines on risk assessment. He is ANCOLD’s representative on the ICOLD Committee for Flood Evaluation and Dam Safety.
Michel Raymond
HARC – Principal Engineer
Michel has over 30 years of experience in dams across aspects of planning, design upgrade, risk, real time flood operations, safety management, emergency response plans and flood mitigation. His experience in consulting roles to 2012 included many aspects of design, investigations, and construction support for water supply, flood mitigation (multi-purpose), tailings and mine water dams.
From 2012 to 2022 Michel was employed in a dam owner role providing technical leadership in real time flood operations of gated dams, forecasting, dam safety management, dam upgrades, risk prioritisation, and application of ALARP for interim risk reduction.
Michel has provided significant contributions to ANCOLD with roles in the Executive from 2018 (current ANCOLD Chairman), guideline working groups (Acceptable Flood Capacity, and Dam break modelling), reference group for Dam Safety Emergency Planning guideline, Convenor 2015 conference, and multiple technical papers.
Thanks to HARC for their support with this event.