Lessons Learned from Tailings Dam Breaches and Update on ANCOLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams

by Erin Hughes

Erin Hughes

Emerging Professionals Representative - Queensland

We’re excited to invite you to a special online joint event hosted by ANCOLD Emerging Professionals and the Queensland Tailings Group. This event will focus on critical lessons learned from past tailings dam breaches and highlight upcoming updates to the ANCOLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams, aimed at preventing future incidents.

Topic: Lessons Learned from Tailings Dam Breaches and Updates to ANCOLD Guidelines

Location: online

Date/Time: 11th December, 2024. 5-6:30pm AEST

The Presenters:

Professor David Williams – A leader in geotechnical engineering and mine waste management with over 40 years of experience, David is internationally recognised for his contributions to mine closure and tailings safety. He was a key member of the Expert Panel for the Brumadinho tailings dam failure in 2019 and chairs numerous international tailings ITRBs. David also leads the AusIMM Professional Certificate in Tailings Management.

Brett Stephens – A seasoned Tailings and Geotechnical Engineer and the current Convenor of ANCOLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams, Brett brings extensive experience in tailings dam safety and will be instrumental in sharing key updates to the guidelines.

This event promises to be an invaluable opportunity for professionals in the industry to deepen their understanding of tailings dam safety and stay informed on the latest best practices.

Recording: For those who are unable to attend live, a recording of the session will be made available to registrants after the event.

We look forward to your participation in what promises to be a highly informative session.




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System maintenance will be performed on the servers that host the ANCOLD Digital Guidelines, on Saturday, December 21st @ 10:00 PM AEDT which will require the servers to reboot.

Total downtime during that event could be up to 4 hours and will commence sharply at 10 pm AEDT.  During that time end users will not be able to view or access their secured content.