Peter Woodman, Andrew Northfield, Tim Kallady
Currently there is little guidance available on how itinerants on roads should be included in a consequence assessment. The methods available are often subjective which can lead to itinerants on roads either being ignored or insufficiently considered. A fact that can in turn lead to consequence categories being inappropriately assigned to the asset being assessed or risks being under or over estimated. Consideration of these itinerants is especially important for smaller dams or retarding basins in urban areas where often the Potential Loss of Life (PLL) in buildings is small but there are major roads carrying a large Population At Risk (PAR) through the inundation extent, which experience flooding of sufficient severity to pose a threat to life.
This paper looks at how the method used to assess itinerants on roads can affect the consequence category assigned to an asset and/or the risk of the dam or retarding basin. It will draw on a number of recent assessments undertaken for retarding basins within Melbourne and make comment on a possible approach to consider itinerants on roads in the future.
ANCOLD is an incorporated voluntary association of organisations and individual professionals with an interest in dams in Australia.
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