The Emerging Professionals (EP) group had a standout presence at ANCOLD24, showcasing the growth and evolution of our community.
Josh Clark (TAS EP State Rep) and I presented on the rebranding from Young Professionals to Emerging Professionals. This shift changes the criteria for awards and scholarships to 10 years or less experience in the dams industry. We also reflected on the group’s achievements since ANCOLD23 and shared our ambitious plans for 2025, including enhanced international collaboration with ICOLD.
A special thank you to Erin Hughes (QLD EP State Rep) for hosting the Young Professionals Mentoring Lunch, proudly sponsored by Jacobs, and to WSP for supporting the Young Professionals Networking Night at Archie Brothers.
Congratulations to Sammy Gibbs for winning the final Young Professional Best Paper Award (as in 2025 it will transition to the Emerging Professional Best Paper Award), and to Thomas Ridgway, the well-deserving recipient of the inaugural Emerging Professional of the Year Award.
For those interested in learning more about our rebranding and plans for 2025, don’t hesitate to connect with the EP leadership team.
Thank you to everyone who made ANCOLD24 such a success, and here’s to an even brighter future for the Emerging Professionals group!
Access our conference presentation and recording here.
Read more about the EP awards on LinkedIn here.
Check out some conference photos below.